Day 8 – Flipbooks

Today we finished a few more of the Part 2 Observation Station WBs, and then I decided to make a list of conditions and changes… we were brainstorming what we did and putting it all together. As we were making the list of changes after the conditions, one kid says “wait isn’t this the same list?”….. and I was like, crap it is the same list! I hadn’t realized that before, but I guess it is. Like if you can show the initial and final conditions, the change is just the difference in those conditions. So that was interesting, and I am hoping that was where I was supposed to go with this! Also, we talked about initial and final conditions being singular descriptions – too many of them were still listing changes as conditions. We also talked about how the “changes” category is soooo big, like too many changes – I said maybe we will need to do better with that, trying to foreshadow to flipbooks….

Next we did the flipbook for Energy Skate Park. I told them not to turn on the bar graphs and pie charts and reminded them not to use words we haven’t defined. They made the flipbooks, and then the WB went ok… could have been better. We talked about the symmetry in the positions, and how we could tell when he was fast vs. slow… all not sure if that’s what was supposed to come of it. We talked about the bottom being between D and E, and also somehow in each class came up with the idea that each picture was a time interval…. some sort of mentioned it, some I had to lead it. Anyway, this was ok, maybe could have gone better.

Then I had them make flipbooks for a stations… some were better than others – we will discuss these next time! I am excited to get back to pyret next week because many kids said how fun it was and when were we going to do it again!

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